Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Wish I had a nickel!

....for every time someone tells me, "It's always been our dream to have a winery."  It's a great dream to have and far be it from me to squelch anyone's dream....BUT!  This definitely fits into the category of, "Be careful what you wish for, it just may come true!"

People visit us from all over the world and it's alway a thrill to see tourists outside of our winery snapping away memories to take with them.  My husband is absolutely passionate about what he does and on most any given day, merrily whistles whilst he works!  Winemaking is an honorable and gratifying profession.  A winemaker is able to observe the fruits of one's labor from start to finish.  He is involved in every aspect from bud to bottle.  And, he loves every minute of it.

Make no mistake, it is way over romanticized and definitely not for the faint of heart!  I have a dear friend who has a deep passion for all things wine!  A few years ago, Angel was emphatic about wanting to become a winemaker.  So, my patient man helped her do due diligence, "Are you good at Math?"  "Ummm, no, not really."  "Do you like Science?"  "Yeh, noo, not particularly."  "Are you prepared for years of classes and internships and long hours and working for next to nothing?"  "Yikes!  Maybe I'll just keep drinking wine and enjoying that aspect of it."  Good answer!

Then, there's the whole money side of it.  I can't speak to all areas of the United States, but if you're going to start up a winery in California, you better have deep pockets.  Whatever your budget is, triple or quadruple it.  Don't expect returns for at least five years.  Be ready for healthy servings of political red tape and numerous rounds with the city and county.  If a large, extended family is involved, get out your boxing gloves, smelling salts, and be ready to go the distance.  If business partners are solicited, be prepared for ruthlessness, cutthroat conniving con artists, lawsuits, criminal activities, heart break, stolen ideas, and debt.  Have you heard enough?  Are you dissuaded yet?  Don't even get me started on just wanting to grow grapes as a little side business.  Actually, I'll let my brother, Dave, field those questions!

Right now I'm feeling like the neighborhood bully that just told a 5 year old that there's no Santa, the toothfairy is your parents, and Bambi's mother gets killed in the movie.  As you dejectably walk away with your head bent down, tears in your eyes, and dragging your little grape vines behind you, let me tell you the upside!

First and foremost....FREEE WINE!  duuuuh!  Okay, seriously...well, that IS seriously, gobs & gobs of free wine (but, that in itself can be a dilemma as well--Jenny Craig,  http://www.jennycraig.com/& Gold's Gym http://www.goldsgym.com/ love me!)  Alright, alright, I'll be really serious.  Opening your own winery means a full social calendar with more events, concerts, dinners, parties, and travel than you can imagine.  Meeting wonderful wine enthusiasts from all walks of life and corners of the world are definite bonuses.  Having a sense of pride and accomplishment at the end of every harvest/crush season is priceless.  Feeling good that you're selling happiness, good times, and special memories, awesome.  Leaving a lasting legacy for future generations, check!  Enjoying the comaraderie and cooperation that it takes to become and remain successful, heart warming.

Through our winery, I've met incredible musicians like Lukas Nelson, http://www.promiseofthereal.com/, who says things like, "Yes, Ma'am." and "It's an honor to be compared to my dad."  Or, Dave Wakeling,  http://www.davewakeling.com/home.asp, who loves us so much he just performed for the 4th year in a row.  Even famous DJ's like Richard Blade, http://www.richardblade.com/.  He and his wife can't get enough of us and even renewed their 10th wedding anniversary vows at our place last year. 

Not to mention, a built-in place to entertain friends and family.  I barely clean my house anymore!  Out-of-town guests...sure!  Meet us at the winery.  Family gatherings?  Head on over to the winery and we'll have a picnic on the grounds.  Need to get my girlfriends together?  Join me for an afternoon of wine tasting in our private reserve room.

Nothing in life that's worthwhile comes easy.  For most of us, there is no free handouts.  (How many more of those sage dad-isms can I quote?)  The bottom line is that owning a winery and making it in the wine business takes hard work and perserverance.  When all is said and done, at the end of the day, as you sit on your patio and watch the beautiful California sunset, while you sip on an incredible Sangiovese or Bordeaux-style blend, the winemaker and his wench sigh a collective sigh of happiness and make a toast to life, love, and abundant blessings.


  1. Hey, I made the cut! Ahhhh yes, I remember that conversation all too well! I had thoughts and visions of seeing a lovely bottle of wine that I would make to honor each of my kids by naming each varital I produced after them. I remember Doug asking me each of those questions, and I answered to the best of my ability, but I thought to myself, "why would I need math to make wine?" It seemed ludicrous! But in the end, what I really wanted was knowledge of some sort and a year or two after that fateful conversation, I found myself on a college campus! I will always have a passion for wine, and a broad respect for winemakers, especially Doug Wiens! Wine will always be apart of my life, as I believe that it has helped me to write "A+" essays (a glass of wine while writing is my ritual!), and maintain a 3.9 GPA! (wink!) I love this blog and the Winemakers Wench! :)

  2. So true! I've always been impressed with the family's guts to start a winery. I say it's a major success! Have you seen the youtube that Rob was floating around?
